
A selection of Six Seconds’ published programs available for purchase,See the store for more.

developing  human performance Developing Human Performance: Powerful Skills for Today’s Leaders and Managers from World Leading EQ Practitioners – 14 two-hour workshops make up this complete curriculum for the people-side of management in three volumes:Volume 1: Leadership

Volume 2: Leading Teams

Volume 3: Transforming Organizations

cover EQ for Families Curriculum:Four two-hour workshops for parents and caregivers.
feeling smart SEL curriculum Feeling Smart: Emotional Intelligence Competencies, Recommendations, and ExercisesDesigned for follow-up to the SEI Youth Version assessment, this curriculum blends cognitive and emotional awareness through powerful visual organizers.
self science Self-Science: Getting Started with Social-Emotional Learning:Comprehensive developmental process for social-emotional learning; launch this time- and research-tested approach with kit.
sneetch marbles Sneetch Marbles, Inc team challenge:Experiential training tool illustrates the importance of emotion for leadership and engagement. (Featured in O Magazine)

See the EQ Store for more emotional intelligence curriculum.