
SEI Research

The SEI has been normed and validated internationally; over 50,000 people are in the SEI norm base, and several studies have shown the SEI to be an effective measure tied to important work and life outcomes. Here is a selection:

SEI Technical Manual: Overview of validation and psychometric properties [PDF]

SEI Brain Profiles Technical Manual: Overview of the tools and their psychometric properties [PDF]

The Amadori Case: Supplying McDonalds – Organizational Engagement, 
Emotional Intelligence and Performance. In a 3-year study of multiple plants, strong links are demonstrated between leaders’ emotional intelligence, managerial performance, and employee engagement. [Online]

White Paper:Emotional Intelligence for Athletes’ Life Success. Among 30 retired members of the National Football League, there is a very strong correlation between EQ and “life success” (health, behavior). [PDF,slide highlights,press release]

White Paper:EQ and Success. SEI predicts 54.79% of critical success factors [White Paper] [Press Release] [PDF]

White Paper:EQ, Stress, and Performance in Healthcare: SEI predicts 60-80% of the variation in performance scores (higher for more senior team members). EQ seems to mitigate the negative effects of stress. [White paper] [PDF,slides,andpress releasealso available]

Research Analysis:Women’s Leadership Edge: Global Research on Emotional Intelligence, Gender, and Job Level. Reviewing data from 24,000 workers and leaders from around the world shows that women have an untapped leadership edge — but not in all areas of EQ. [Article Online]

White Paper:Leadership Success and Emotional Intelligence in the Middle East[White Paper] [PDF] [slide highlights]

White Paper:Optimism for Performance: Optimism on SEI predicts 17.9% of performance scores in high-tech company [PDF]

White Paper:Increasing EQ: 2-day training yields 7% gain in scores [PDF] [Press Release]

White Paper:EQ and Age: Age is slightly predictive of some aspects of emotional intelligence [PDF] [Article from SHRM] [Press Release] [Blog post]

Research Summary:Youth Emotional Intelligence Assessment– validity of SEI-YV and summary data on EQ predicting important life and school outcomes [PDF]

Journal Article:Differentiating emotional intelligence in leadership: Study of 3,305 employees shows that executives have higher levels of EQ (ie, emotional intelligence is predictive of job success) and that different levels of employees have different development needs. [Authors’ Prepublished Version – PDF] [Official Abstract]

In addition, please see the:

Case Study archiveshowing evidence-based examples of emotional intelligence increasing performance

Research and Practice Libraryspecifically related to education / social-emotional learning.